► Judge Jack Robison of New Braunfels, TX; Gadaffi Wannabee, Nitwit Print E-mail
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Judge Jack Robison of New Braunfels, TX; Gadaffi Wannabee, Nitwit

The Supreme Court of Texas presented Jack Robison with a law license in 1980 after he graduated from St. Mary’s Law School.
Unfortunately for the good folks living in Caldwell County, Robison was successful into duping them into voting him to the bench in 1993 as a District Court judge in New Braunfels, which is about 30 miles northeast of San Antonio.
Recently the Texas Judicial Commission found Judge Robison guilty of the following misconduct.
  • Violating the due process rights of litigants appearing in his so-called court
  • Failed to comply with Texas law [Say what?]
  • Exceeded the scope of his legal authority [aka, Gadaffi-itis]
Apparently, the Texas Supreme Court is now going to demand that judges actually know the law and if they don’t they’ll be punished. Lord have Mercy, when will it end?
Seemingly, a litigant’s father named Don Bandelman failed to understand the importance of exhibiting a great deal of respect for the Dishonorable Jack Robison. 
After his Dishonor ruled against Mr. Bandelman’s son regarding a child custody matter, he followed Muammar into the men’s room and called him “a fool.” Muammar then unlawfully found Mr. Bandelman in contempt of court and sentenced him to 30 days in jail.
I could understand holding Mr. Bandelman in criminal contempt if he had referred to Judge Robison as an “honest” or “intelligent” jurist, right?
How in the hell is it even remotely possible for any so-called judge to be so ignorant that they are unable to understand and/or appreciate the meaning of “due process?” In my opinion, when a Dumbo like Jackie so acts he should be permanently removed from the bench. No second, third or fourth strikes for admitted Dummies!
I seriously doubt that Jack the Nitwit could qualify for a job as a greeter at the Wal-Mart located at 1209 South Interstate 35 in New Braunfels.
As we speak (ca. June 2011) Jack the Loser remains on the bench in New Braunfels.

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