► Former Judge George Van Hook of El Dorado, AR; moronic slacker Print E-mail
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Former Judge George Van Hook of El Dorado, AR; moronic slacker


The state of Arkansas provided George Ellis Van Hook with a law license in 1973 after he graduated from the University of  Arkansas School of Law.


The Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission found George guilty of engaging in the following misconduct, all of which took place while he was employed as a 10th Circuit Court judge in Monticello, Arkansas

  • Failed to perform his judicial and administrative duties competently (moron)
  • Conduct in several cases was undignified and discourteous
  • Engaged in improper judicial demeanor
  • Incapable of separating his authority of his judicial office from that of the local prosecuting attorney or local law enforcement
  • Acted as a “super-prosecutor” toward several defendants
  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Conduct exhibited a bias against those appearing before him
  • Failed to comply with the law (scofflaw)
  • Failed to remain neutral and detached while presiding over criminal matters
  • Failed to accord every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, or that person’s lawyer, the right to be heard according to the law (aka, due process)

Apparently, George holds the judicial opinion that “due process” is the means by which the grass becomes moist in the a.m.


As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission punished George by gifting him with a complimentary censure.


As we speak (ca. October 2022), George practices is so-called brand of law at279 Oleta Avenue in El Dorado, Arkansas.


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