► Judge Latisha Clinkscales of Columbus, MS; moronic boob Print E-mail
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Judge Latisha Clinkscales of Columbus, MS; moronic boob


The state of Mississippi presented Latisha Nicole Clinkscales with a law license in 1999 after she graduated from the University of Mississippi Law School.


The director of the Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance recently (mid-June 2015) questioned whether Judge Clinkscales could remain on the bench as a Municipal Court judge in Columbus while she was seeking election as a member of the state legislature.


On June 22, 2015, Judge Clinkscales launched her write-in campaign for the Democratic nomination to become the District 41 representative. Clinkscales made her electoral announcement on the Lowndes County Courthouse steps.


The Code of Judicial Conduct specifically states:

  • “A judge shall resign from judicial office upon becoming a candidate either in a party primary or in a general election for a non-judicial office.”

Even though Judge Clinkscales is an announced write-in-candidate, the Judicial Code states that a person becomes a “candidate” upon make a public announcement, filing official paperwork or authorizing the solicitation of campaign funds. At her announcement on the steps of the courthouse, Clinkscales handed out volunteer sing-up sheets and stated she needed volunteers to assist her raising money for her campaign.


Judge Clinkscales had the chutzpah to claim that the Code of Conduct prohibiting her from running from office was not relevant in her case. Put simply, Arrogant Latisha actually believes she “is above the law.”


As we speak (ca. June 2015), Latisha remains sitting as City of Columbus Municipal Court judge in Columbus, Mississippi.


It should be noted that fter her appointment in December 2010 to the City of Columbus Municipal Court, Latisha had the chutzpah to state:


  • “I just want to restore confidence in the court system and reestablish respect for the Municipal Court."
  • "I think we do that by operating with integrity.”

Clearly, Judge Clinkscales missed her calling as a standup comedian.


All that remains now is to see if the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission recommend any punishment be meted out to Clinkscales. At most, she’d likely receive a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. June 2015), Clinkscales continues to sit as a City of Columbus Municipal Court judge in Columbus, Mississippi. 


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