► Judge Edmond Naman of Mobile, AL; nepotism afficianado Print E-mail
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Judge Edmond Naman of Mobile, AL; nepotism afficianado


The state of Alabama provided Edmond Naman with a law license in 1996 after he graduated from Faulkner University School of Law. 


FYI: Faulkner University is ranked as the 178th best law school in the country out of 202 ABA accredited schools.


It should be noted that Eddie has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-eight (28) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Mobile area was about to officer Eddie a good paying job.


The Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission is investigating Eddie for engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Improperly appointed his brother-in-law to handle a number of juvenile court indigent cases over an 11-year period of time
  • Eddie’s brother-in-law received “substantial compensation” as a result of the indigent case appointments
  • From 2008 until early in the 2019 fiscal year when Eddie received notice of a the ethics complaint, he had appointed his sister’s husband to numerous dockets
  • This included appointments to the daily arraignment docket for one week each month, the disposition docket one day a month, and beginning in 2014 the juvenile “gun court” docket for about an hour once a week
  • Utterly failed to abide by rules to avoid nepotism

As a direct consequence of misconduct, the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Alabama Supreme Court punished Eddie by gifting him with a complimentary censure.


As we speak (ca. June 2024), Eddie practices his so-called brand of jurisprudence as a Mobile County Circuit Court Judge in Mobile, Alabama.



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