► Judge Marvin Wiggins of Greensboro, AL; ethical troll, repeat offender Print E-mail
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Judge Marvin Wiggins of Greensboro, AL; ethical troll, repeat offender


The state of Alabama presented Marvin Wayne Wiggins with a law license in 1990 after he graduated from Howard University Law School.


FYI: This isn’t Marvin’s First bite at the Judicial Misfit Apple Tree. He previously received a complimentary censure for engaging in a variety of misconduct. A description of that misconduct can be seen by visiting the URL at the end of this article.

The Alabama Court of the Judiciary found Marvin guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in several illegal ex parte (one-sided) communications
  • Displays disregard or lack of respect for standards of judicial conduct
  • Engaged in a pattern of misconduct
  • Failed to respect and comply with the law
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to accord to every person who is legally interested in a proceeding, or his/her lawyer to be heard according to law (aka, due process)
  • Conveyed or permitted others to convey the impression that they were in a special position to influence him
  • Failed to maintain the decorum and temperament befitting his judicial office
  • Failed to be patient, dignified, and courteous to litigants
  • Continued to act as a judge despite being suspended from the bench

It should be noted that the comedians sitting on the Alabama Supreme Court suspended Marvin from the bench but in doing so allowed him to continue to receive his salary. Put simply, Marvin is now on a paid vacation, one that he’ll likely try to extend by filing all kinds of frivolous motions in the pending disciplinary matter.


And lastly, all that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Marvin by the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Alabama Supreme Court.


Judge Marvin Wiggins of Greensboro, AL; ethical misfit




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