► Judge James Hill of Durham, NC; Judge Roy Bean Wannabee, loser Print E-mail
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Judge James Hill of Durham, NC; Judge Roy Bean Wannabee, loser


FYI: Judge Roy Bean was an infamous Justice of the Peace and saloon owner in Texas who called himself the "The Law West of the Pecos." Roy was also affectionately referred to as the Hanging Judge.


The state of North Carolina presented James T. Hill with a law license in 1977 after he graduated from Samford University Law School.


The North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission found Judge Jimmy guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Jimmy found it acceptable to chastise two parents, RiShawna and Collin Morrison; during a court session by referring to their 3-year-old child’s conception and calling the local jail the “Durham County Bed and Breakfast.


Making matters worse, Jimmy found Mrs. Morrison in contempt of court and issued a 30-day detention order without ever offering her a chance to appeal, which was a clear violation of North Carolina civil and criminal procedure.


Jimmy’s illegal order provoked a courtroom melee that required nine sheriff’s deputies to respond, as Jimmy retired to his chambers. The ruckus was captured on a video that went viral across the country—a factor that weighed into the commission’s recommendation. (John Tucker, Indy Week) During the melee, Jimmy made the following comments:

  • “Y’all that crawled into bed and had sex and made that baby. He didn't ask to be born.”
  • “I could care less about the two of you.”
  • “I I better not hear either of you saying anything negative about the other party or y'all gonna get a little trip to the Durham County Bed and Breakfast for contempt of court. And there is no appeal, you stay until I say you get out.”

As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Judicial Misfits sitting on the North Carolina Supreme Court punished Jimmy by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. August 2015), Jimmy continues to sit as a Durham District Court judge in Durham, North Carolina. 


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