► Judge Susan Mahoney of Seattle, WA; bigoted loser Print E-mail
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Judge Susan Mahoney of Seattle, WA; bigoted loser


The state of Washington provided Susan Mahoney with a law license in after she graduated from Seattle University School of Law.


In one matter, Suzie admits to using the N-word during a February 2022 Zoom call.


After being outed as a bigot, Suzie resigned from her as chief judge of the district court in King County, Washington, and admitted that she had used the racial slur.


As is the case with most bigots, and only after being caught, they defend their use of the N-word by laughingly claiming they/she was being taken out of context.


I get it Suzie! You’re one of those bigots that claim they couldn’t be prejudiced against African Americans because they have or had a friend that was Black. In Suzie’s case, that African American friend was likely the guy that was the longtime janitor that oversaw cleaning up her chambers.


And lastly, Suzie has recently registered with the state commission that she intends to start raising campaign funds for her reelection in November 2022.


As we speak (ca. June 2022), Suzie practices her so-called brand of jurisprudence as a King County District Court Judge in Seattle.


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