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Houston Chronicle – August 9, 2008 – Reader Comments

The following are just a few of the comments to the August 8, 2008 Houston Chronicle article titled: “Vet’s ethics crusade targets Texas lawmakers, judges” written by Gary Scharrer.
Thank you, Mr. Palmer. You are doing a great public service for all of us. Keep up the work and pressure.
bobinhouston wrote:
"It's a total non-issue by some character out in California, so I don't care what he thinks," Whitmire said. Well I live here in Houston and I care. Can we make Palmer an honorary Texan?
dontaseme wrote:
Whitmire, this should get you recalled even if he is not a citizen:"I don't care what he thinks," Whitmire said. Renting a gown like that? She can go to a thrift shop and buy 5 great gowns to keep for that. I hope he keeps it up and it gets more news.
texastwin wrote:
"It's a total non-issue by some character out in California, so I don't care what he thinks," Whitmire said Monday when the commission received Palmer's complaints

Thank you to that "some character out in California" for being diligent and unbiased. Whitmire's attitude suggests that he thinks he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone, UNLESS it's one of his own voters. Sorry, I don't buy that and I don't care where the info comes from, as long as someone points it out.
Txeng45new wrote:
Sen. John Whitmire should be ashamed. This is not his money to do whatever he wants. These politicians, democrat and republican, are nothing more than criminals in my opinion, for doing this.
Thanks for the vet for bring this to light. Unfortunately public officials are too corrupt to get any change
buzzm1 wrote:
Round up their email addresses and phone numbers and get on them about it!!
Three cheers for Dave Palmer. Hopefully the newspapers will help him by publicizing all of his findings. Politicians need their feet to be held to the fire!!
KwikCroc wrote:
Good work Mr. Palmer. Keep it up.
buzzm1 wrote:
Felton is just over the hill from me; I'll have to look up Dave Palmer and high five him. We need more dogs to sic on the politicians; they get away with murder.
vpdriver wrote:
One of the sadder commentaries out of this story is that it took a lone disabled vet, halfway across the country, to bring this to light.

Great job Chronicle, journalistic watchdog of Houston!!! What's the point of going to court, fighting for public access, etc., if your not going to avail yourselves of these tools? Local TV news is worse!

In other news ...it is raining in Houston! More at 10.
smittyjs wrote:
If there were only more citizens like this there would be less politicians like Whitmire, who "doesn't care what he thinks."

I bet that there are a few people struggling to make ends meet that would like to have $165,000 for what amounts to pocket change for Sen. Whitmire.
WhoopTeDo wrote:
We need more people like this guy. These politicians are living off their campaign money. No mystery there.
leonar18 wrote:
Kudos to you "California Man."
twobe wrote:
"I renewed wedding vows for supporters who have been significant in my political career," she said. "My husband paid for his own transportation and other expenses." You would think the judge would be embarrassed to say this, you would think.
My hat is off to the Veteran. Most people in the state house run for the purposes of promoting their own agenda and benefiting their own pockets.
I am perplexed there are only 10 names on the legislative side though. He must have missed some.
...and for those egotistical, self serving lawmakers, it is not ok as far as I am concerned when you use your war chest funds on the likes of season tickets, renewing vows and other idiotic things. Why don't you send some of your constituents who can't afford electricity, medicine or food some of your $. You make laws that cripple people and have the audacity to think someone is not looking over your shoulder, I don't care what your party is.
Hopefully more names will come out.
sandy4u wrote:
I like the fact that his filings are unbiased. If folks start to take this serious enough, then maybe "The Whitmire’s of the world" won't be so gung-ho to fight for the job. I often wondered what would make a person lay their book of life on the table for all to see, to get a certain job. Me personally, wouldn't want all the attention and ridicule that comes with such a visible position. I wouldn't want anyone seeing me behind "home plate", with a bunch of constituents.
Stansensei wrote:
Ah, the voice of a public servant. "I don't care what he thinks," Whitmire said.
Don't let up. There's lots more to this story. From my observation, most politicians think they are above the law.
Whitmire has been accepting "retainer fees" from businessmen in exchange for favorable representation in the Texas legislature for as long as he's been in office. The system is broken and the average guy on the street has no representation in Austin or Washington D.C.
"I don't care what he thinks," Whitmire said.

Whitmire is right. He doesn't have to care, because most of us don't either. Most of us don't vote. I'll bet that ninety percent of Whitmire's constituents couldn't identify him as their state senator. Most have probably never called his office or written him a letter. Most incumbents get re-elected, regardless of whether they are corrupt or incompetent.

We get the government we deserve.
Tip of the iceberg. They have been using campaign money as their own personal piggy banks for years.
Is there such a thing as an honest politician? I'd like to know.
7/8/2008 1:36 AM CDT
bummer40 wrote:
Gee, Whitmire "represents" me. I wonder if I could score some tickets to an Astros game sometime in the near future. Whatta I gotta do, just give him a call and identify myself as a constituent? Behind home plate yet, he must really want to impress us poor ole JSPs
redcougar wrote:
What difference does it make where the information comes from. Is it true? Is it accurate? If it is true and accurate, and a violation of campaign rules, then it should be exposed as such. A crook is a crook no matter what label he or she wears. We the people let politicians run all over us. We have only ourselves to blame.
high wrote:
I am a voting constituent of John Whitmire but I didn’t know he was supposed to entertain me.
Heck, you should see Whitmire's (little Napoleon) food bill at classy Houston and Austin restaurants with the justification of a "meeting." The guy ought to weigh 500 pounds as much as he eats. Spends plenty on gasoline as well.

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