► Rep. Steve Pierce (R-NM): Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Steve Pierce (R-NM): Today’s “Ass-Kisser” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Rep. Steve Pierce (R-NM)
Today’s Ass-Kisser Award Winner
Steve succeeded in duping the voters in the Las Cruces and Roswell areas into electing him to the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2010.
Steve is yet another right-wing nutcase that has dedicated himself to acting as an official Ass-Kisser for the National Rifle Association (NRA) and its Executive Vice-President, Wayne “The Loon” LaPierre.
During an August 22, 2013 town hall event, Stevie rejected a constituent’s suggestion that stricter background checks for gun sales could have kept a mentally disturbed Congressman, I’m sorry I mean young man from threatening a Georgia elementary school with an assault rife and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
After donning a pair of industrial strength knee pads, Stevie explained his opposition to background checks by arguing that “They don’t have guns in Rwanda, yet more than 500,000 people died by machetes.”
Of course Stevie’s argument was patently false because a great number of folks in Rwanda died from gunshot wounds.
Hopefully, Wayne “The Loon” La Pierre reimbursed Stevie for the cost of those industrial strength knee pads he requires so that he can properly genuflect before the Wayne and those of his ilk.
Congrats Stevie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Ass-Kisser”; you are far too humble.

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