► Rep. Kevin McCarthy: Today’s “Trump Ass-Sniffing” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Kevin McCarthy: Today’s “Trump Ass-Sniffing” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented Kevin. In the past, he has been the recipient of nine (9) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


To score some additional Brownie Points with his newfound Beau the Former Great Leader, Kevin decided it was in his personal interest to attack Rep. Liz Cheney because of her refusal to engage in a little Trump Ass-Kissing by giving support to the Big Lie that the election was stolen.


Towards that end, Kevin sent a letter to his fellow comrades in the House in letting them know that Rep. Cheney is being booted out of her leadership role, which included the following hyperbolic (BS) and comments that do not pass the involuntary laugh test.

  • “We are a big tent party.”
  • ‘We represent Americans of all backgrounds and continue to grow our movement by the day.”
  • “And unlike the left, we embrace free thought and debate.”

If Kevin were interested in telling the truth, which he clearly avoids at all times, he would have said the following in his letter.

  • “We are pup tent.” (small triangular tent with room for one or two people)
  • “We represent White Americans even if the ones that attempted to overthrow the government on January 6, 2021.”
  • “Unlike the left, we punish free thought and debate.”
  • “We will destroy you politically if you refuse to comply with the demands and wishes of the Former Great Leader and the BIG LIE.”

In truth, Kevin is a total embarrassment to Aspiring Standup Comedians.


Ass-Kisser Award = 5

Dumbo Award Winner = 1

IHOP Flip-Flop Award Winner = 1

Moron Award Winner = 1

Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1




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