► Eric Trump: “Daddy’s Reliable Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Eric Trump: “Daddy’s Reliable Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This is not the first Award presented to Eric. In the past, he has been the recipient of five (5) Awards in various categories and the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent appearance on the Sean Hannity Comedy Show, Eric attempted to further establish his bona fides as a Half-Wit Daddy Ass-Kissing Sycophant by making the following false and laughable claims about Daddy’s popularity.

  • “They [Democrats] wanna tar and feather the man.”
  • “They know he did a great job for this nation.”
  • “They know that there’s never been a more beloved political figure in our country’s history.”
  • “There are 75 million Americans who would follow him to the end of Earth.”
  • “I mean, they love the man, they love what he stands for.”

Stating that Daddy did a great job for this nation is akin to arguing that Benito “Il Duce” Mussolini did a wonderful job as the Fascist leader of Italy in guaranteeing its monumental losses in World War II.


One thing Eric better hope for is that the U.S. Attorney’s Offices in DC and New York are not now in possession of evidence wherein he could be indicted for committing a variety of federal crimes. And the only reason he would face prosecution is because Daddy didn’t grant him a blanket pardon.


I wonder what Mama’s Boy Eric will have to say if he is indicted for any federal crimes knowing that Daddy could have prevented it from happening if he had done for him what he did for numerous other felons or would be felons.


Liar Award Winner = 1

Moron Award Winner = 3

Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1

Trump discloses 2018 nicknames for family members: Art. 24 Dawg Opinions


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