► Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC): Today’s “Half-Wit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC): Today’s “Half-Wit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner



Madison succeeded in duping the voters in the greater Asheville area into electing him to represent them in the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2020.


FYI: In August 2020, several women accused Madison of sexually aggressive behavior, sexual misconduct, and sexual assault. A group of Patrick Henry College alumni released a public letter accusing Madison of sexually predatory behavior while he was a student there. They also accused him of vandalism and lying. The letter eventually included the signatures of over 150 alumni.


In his act of acting as one of The Great Leader’s Chief Pimps and Enablers, Madison decided to join the elite club of Congressional Morons and Trump Sycophants falsely claiming that the presidential election was rigged.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Stinky Ass Spray” on his 

oversized derriere for the ultimate protection of those in the immediate area, Madison made the following false and hyperbolic (BS) comments, all of which was meant to be additional red meat to be digested by his and The Great Leader’s low I.Q. followers.

  • “I have a message for all other Republicans across the country.”
  • “If you are not on the record calling for fair, free and just elections now and in the future, I will come to your district and I will fund a primary opponent against you.”

Madison’s threat against fellow Republicans that he will “fund a primary opponent against you” if they don’t jump on board with the sham voter fraud wagon. A cursory review of Madison’s history proves that he does not have the financial means to fund any primary race. In fact, when he assumes his congressional office on January 3, 2021, he will be earning $174,000 a year, which is the most he’s ever earned in his entire life.


With The Great Leader being tossed out of office on January 20, 2021, one must wonder why in the hell would Madison have any interest in acting as one of The Great Leader’s Chief Pimps and Apologists. Afterall, after he’s gone, The Great Leader will not have any power to bestow any gifts upon Madison, his comrades in arms, or any other Serial Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser.


And lastly, it should be noted that the electorate in Madison’s congressional district is made up of 90.4% Whites and only 3.0% Blacks, thereby assuring that he could just about do or say anything to get elected and likely reelected in 2020.



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