► Sen. Cory Gardner: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sen. Cory Gardner: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This is not the first Award presented to Cory. In the past, he has been the recipient of one IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award that can be found by going to that award section under “Secondary Menu, Award Winners.”


Cory is yet another lawyer running amuck in the Halls of Congress. Apparently, Corey had difficulty earning a dishonest living as a lawyer after graduating from the University of Colorado Law School and decided it would more financially rewarding to go into politics.


During a recent (ca. October 2020), rally presided over by The Great Leader, Cory decided to further his standing as a Trump Sycophant and Serial Ass-Kisser.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for the ultimate protection of the assembled crowd, Corry gave the following answer when asked if he thinks The Great Leader “is an ethical and moral man.”

  • “Yes.”
  • “I wish he would be more specific in his communications with the American people.”

The following are just a few examples of what Cory finds to be the “ethical and moral” conduct of The Great Leader.

  • Screwed Porn Star Stormy Daniels while married to Melania
  • Defrauded hundreds upon hundreds of people via his sham Trump University
  • Lied over 20,000 times since assuming the throne in January 2017
  • Sexually assaulted numerous women
  • Has been divorced two times
  • Screwed hundreds of contractors by refusing to pay them for wages they earned, products and/or services they provided to his bankrupt casinos
  • Had a years-long affair with a Playboy Model while married to Melania and at a time that she was pregnant with his third son
  • Is an acknowledged and unrepentant Serial Adulterer

Apparently, the University of Colorado School of Law and Colorado State University never offered any classes dealing with “ethics or morality.”


As we speak (ca. October 2020), Cory the Trump Ass-Kisser continues to sit as a U.S. Senator allegedly representing the best interests of all Coloradans.


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