► Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner



This isn’t the first Award presented to Sarah. In the past, she has been the recipient of twenty (20) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (ca. July 2020) interview with on the Fox News Comedy Network with fellow Trump Sycophant and Aspiring Standup Comedian Steve Doocy, Sarah decided to speak about the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and the alleged actions taken by The Great Leader.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for the ultimate protection, Sarah and Stevie (SS) engaged in the following discussion.



“Let's go back to the basics for Donald Trump — change agent, disrupter, outsider.”

“That is a winning message for this president, and I think if he stays focused on it, he's going to do extremely well in November.”


“But I've heard surrogates for Joe Biden and the Democrats in general on television, over about the last week, and every question — regardless of what is about — they bring it back to COVID, and the administration's response to it.”

“Is that not the real challenge of the administration, to figure out the good answers?”


“Yeah, I think if Donald Trump hadn't been president, that number could've been much higher, and could've been much worse.”

“Thankfully, the president took some early steps, like stopping travel — which a lot of Democrats criticized him for.”

“One of the other things that Donald Trump did that I think was truly remarkable, that he gets no credit for, is that he got government out of the way.”

“He allowed American companies to step up — American ingenuity to take over, when we needed supplies and resources. He cut the red tape, and let Americans do what they do best.”


Only someone with an I.Q. in the range of the legal speed limit in a school zone would believe the BS that Sarah spewed forth above. There is no dispute that The Great Leader’s gross incompetence in dealing with the Coronavirus has led to tens-of-thousands of unnecessary deaths.


To argue that The Great Leader has done a “truly remarkable” job is akin to saying that the late Jeffrey Dahmer did a “truly remarkable” job in reducing his monthly food costs. (hear tell Jeff’s Rump Roast recipe is out of this world)


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 6

Bigot Award = 1

Liar Award Winner = 5

Miscellaneous Awards = 2

Moron Award = 1

Tina Fey Award Winner = 5


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