► Fox’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Lying Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Today’s “Lying Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Sarah. In the past, she has been the recipient of eighteen (18) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


After lathering up her severely chapped lips with a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick and genuflecting in honor of The Great Leader, Sarah decided to do what she does best and that is lie for her former boss and boyfriend.


In this instance, Sarah decided to support the lies by The Great Leader involving nonexistent voter fraud during a recent (ca. May 2020), appearance on the Fox & Friends Comedy Show.


Towards that end and with the intent to provide some additional red meat for her Fox & Friends’ low I.Q. followers, Sarah spewed forth the following BS.

  • “Look, we know that there always is election fraud, whether it's mail-in or not, and I think we have to continue to take steps to protect election security.”
  • “Let's not forget that people came after this president and tried to take the election away from him.”
  • “They tried to delegitimize his very solid win and say that he wasn't the rightful winner, and tried to create this whole illusion of the Russia hoax.”
  • “There's no question that the president should be focused on making sure nothing like that happens again, that our election security is protected, and that we limit fraud as much as humanly possible.”
  • “And I think he's right to have this conversation now.”
  • “Let's figure it out and make sure that it doesn't happen.”

Anyone with an I.Q. a tad north of 90 (excludes morons like Sarah and those of her ilk) is well aware that so-called voter fraud is a myth conjured up by Republicans for the sole purpose of making it harder for voters that lean Democrat, such as minorities and college students to vote.


Voter fraud is estimated to account for one case per 14.6 million registered voters. Moreover, here have been less than 1,000 proven cases of election fraud documented out of over 1 billion ballots case in various elections since 2000.


As a result of the 2016 election, Clinton received 2,868,691 more votes than The Great Leader. In California she beat him by 4,269,978 votes.


After the election, The Great Leader spewed forth the following BS.

  • "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions [3 to 5 million] of people who voted illegally."
  • “Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this?”
  • “Serious bias - big problem!”
  • “Dead people are voting in large numbers.”

As usual, The Great Leader fails to give us the names or the actual number of the dead people that voted for Hillary in 2016.


What’s next for Sarah the Lying Trump Sycophant, will she claim that that Rutherford B. Hayes (4,034,311 votes) would have won the popular vote in addition to the electoral college against Samuel J. Tilden (4,288,546 votes) if it weren’t for voter fraud.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 5

Bigot Award = 1

Liar Award Winner = 5

Miscellaneous Awards = 2

Moron Award = 1

Tina Fey Award Winner = 5



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