► Fox’s Mark Levin: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox’s Mark Levin: Today’s “Puke Bag Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Mark. In the past, he has been the recipient of twelve (12) Awards in various categories and the subject Trump of one (1) opinion piece and one (1) lament. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Mark is another in a long list of loser attorneys such as Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and Hugh Hewitt that decided to go into political punditry after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated from Temple University Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


During a recent (ca. January 2020) episode of the Sean Hannity Comedy Show, Mark decided to go engage in a slobbering exhibition of adulation for The Great Leader while going on the attack against Democrats.


Towards that end, and only applying a thick coat of Industrial Strength Boudreaux’s Butt Paste for that ultimate protection, Mark made the following asinine statements as additional red meat for Hannity’s Low I.Q. followers.

  • “And when the Democrat Party does what it does like that, it needs to be slammed down, and it needs to be slammed down now.”
  • “The next Democrat president of the United States must be impeached.”
  • “Not to get even, not because we are at their low level, because the Republicans can't live under one Constitution when the Democrats live under another Constitution.
  • “It's the only way we're going to stop them”

Only a Monumental Moron and Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser would have the chutzpah to argue that the next Democratic President “must be impeached” when nobody knows who it will be and therefore there is no evidence of any kind to demonstrate that he/she must be impeached.


In truth, Mark and his fellow comrades like Hannity, Limbaugh, Carlson and those of their ilk should be barred from opening up their foul, lie filled mouths, which they do daily for the sole purpose of financial enrichment.

  1. Trump Ass-Kisser Award = 5
  2. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  3. Bullshit Award Winner =1
  4. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  5. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  6. Moron Award Winner = 1
  7. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  8. Trump contemplates replacing Mueller with Sean Hannity: Art. 394 Bullshit Awards
  9. Trump’s replacements for Mueller’s team of 13 angry Democrats: Art. 35 Dawg Laments
  10. GOP releases future list of “White is Right” nominees for Supreme Court: Art. 187 Dawg Opinions



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