► Mark Levin: Today’s “Loony Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Mark Levin: Today’s “Loony Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Mark. In the past, he has been the recipient of seven (7) Awards in various categories and the subject of one opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Mark is another in a long list of loser attorneys such as Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and Hugh Hewitt that decided to go into political punditry after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated from Temple University Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


During a recent (ca. April 2019) episode of his daily comedy radio show, and only after he applied a thick coat of Industrial Strength Chapstick on his severely chapped lips and genuflected in honor of The Great Leader, Mark decided to attack the Democrats regarding the Mueller investigation. Towards that end, Mark fed the following red meat to be chowed down by his intellectually depleted followers.

  • “Well, you have collusion. You have collusion between the Democrat Party, the media and the Obama administration.”
  • “Hillary Clinton, she's been silent for three or four days, hasn't she?”
  • “For all the talk of the Democrats who run these committees, they don't want to talk to Hillary Clinton. They don't want to talk to Barack Obama.”

Only a Degenerate A-Hole would claim that Hillary and the Democrats colluded with the Russians to make sure that Donald “Trumporleone” Trump won the presidential election takes lunacy to new and yet unseen levels.

  • “I want transparency.”
  • “Here's the impeachment clause of the Constitution. Treason, bribery, other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
  • “I can name people who've committed treason, other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
  • “He's not in the White House. They're members of Congress. We have a big problem in this country.”

So now we have the Serial Trump Ass-Kisser claiming that he has the names of members of Congress who are guilty of treason, meaning they would be eligible for the death penalty. As expected, the Ass-Kisser doesn’t divulge any names and the reason doesn’t is because he’s a damn liar.


The Ass-Kisser goes on with his asinine rant by saying:

  • “But it is time to focus on the Democrats in the House.”
  • “It is time to focus on the media, and the Hillary campaign, the DNC, Barack Obama.”
  • “This was Barack Obama's government that did all this.
  • “They [Obama] put spies in his campaign.”
  • “They abused the FISA court system. They used opposition research.”
  • “This country doesn't belong to Adam Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi.”

The Ass-Kisser continued with his rant by attacking the media with the following comments.

  • “And you in the free press, you are destroying the free press.
  • “This will be met -- noted in history what a bunch of loathsome, ideological mouthpieces you are for the tyranny that is the Democrat party.”

In this matter, the Moron would have us believe that so-called media outlets like the Fox News Comedy Network, Glenn Becks “The Blaze,” Alex Jones Infowars


The Moronic Ass-Kisser finished his Loony Rant by saying:

  • “They put spies in his campaign.”
  • “They abused the FISA court system.”
  • “They used opposition research.”
  • “This country doesn't belong to Adam Schiff and Nadler and Pelosi. Big deal, they got one-half of one-third of the government.”
  • “It belongs to us.”

Of course, when the Ass-Kisser says the country “belongs to us” he means assorted right-wing lunatics like Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and a cadre of bigots, homophobes, white nationalists, misogynists, tax cheats, and serial adulterers.


I can assure you that Mark is going to be a candidate for double knee replacement surgery due to the amount of time he has spent genuflecting in honor of The Great Leader over the past several years.  


Trump Ass-Kisser Award = 1

Bullshit Award Winner = 2

Lunatic Award Winner = 1

MoronAward Winner = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 2

GOP releases future list of “White is Right” nominees for Supreme Court: Art. 184 Dawg Opinions



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