► Sen. Rand Paul: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sen. Rand Paul: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


In an ongoing effort to further cement his status as a Trump Sycophant and Ass-Kisser, and only after he donned a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Rand decided to come to The Great Leader’s rescue after the House of Representatives voted 420-0 for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to be made public.


After Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) tried to get unanimous consent for the Senate to pass the same resolution that passed unanimously in the House, Rand made the following comments on the floor of the Senate in blocking a vote on the resolution.

  • “We need to know was there malfeasance, was there misuse of power, did President Obama's administration get involved in an election to infiltrate the Trump campaign to trap them? … We need to know that." he said.
  • "What we need to discover and we do not yet know: Was President Obama involved?"

This is the same kind of BS that conspiracy nutcases like Sean Hannity, Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh, the Fox News Comedy Network and other lunatics and Trump Toadies have been spewing forth after Mueller was appointed as special counsel.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t much give a damn what a loser from Kentucky like Rand Paul says about anything. He received 1,090,177 votes in his last senate race. Put simply, that is the amount of Kentuckians that he represents.


Compare Rand’s 1 million supporters against the 6 million that voted for Sen. Dianne Feinstein and the 5.0 million that voted for her Democratic opponent Kevin de Leon, for a total of 11.0 million Democrat supporters verses 1 million Republican supporters for Rand.


As a resident of California, I don’t believe it evidence of democracy to allow a Senator who only represents 1 million folks to impose his ludicrous and biased position on 11 million folks that never voted for this Trump Sycophant.


Before volunteering to become a Trump Ass-Kisser and Toady, Rand was the recipient of the following comments spewed forth by his new found beau, The Great Leader.

  • “I feel sorry for the great people of Kentucky who are being used as a back up to Senator Paul’s hopeless attempt to become President of the United States--- weak on the military, Israel, the Vets and many other issues.”
  • “Senator Paul has no chance of winning the nomination and the people of Kentucky should not allow him the privilege of remaining their Senator.”
  • “Rand should save his lobbyist’s and special interest money and just go quietly home.”

Prior to sucking up to The Great Leader, Rand said the following:

  • Trump’s comments are “all blather [nonsense], non sequitur [deceit/untruth], and self-aggrandizing [glorification]  bombast [bluster/BS].”
  • “What do you do to a bully? You stand up to him. That’s what I did on the debate stage, and I was the only one.”
  • “Really, I’ve likened it to ‘the emperor has no clothes.’”
  • “He’s saying things that are completely vapid [tasteless], things that are completely vulgar and completely non-sequitur.”

One must wonder how this love affair came about between The Great Leader and Rand after the aforementioned name-calling. It is somewhat reminiscent of The Great Leaders admitted love affair with Kim Jong-Un and his ongoing affair with Vladimir “He’s my Daddy” Putin.



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