► Sen. Mitch McConnell: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

► Sen. Mitch McConnell: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Mitch. In the past, he has been the recipient of seventeen (17) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Mitch is yet another loser lawyer who learned early on how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law after graduating from the University of Kentucky School of Law in 1967. This led him to go into the second most honest profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


It should be noted that Mitch had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past fifty (50) years.  Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Louisville area was about to offer Mitch a good paying job.


Within days of the Mueller report being released to Attorney General Bar, the House of Representatives passed a resolution 420-0 to make Robert Mueller’s full report public.


Shortly thereafter, a resolution was offered by Sen. Schumer in the Senate to pass the same resolution. After greasing up his lips with a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick and attaching a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads Mitch decided to once again play his lead role as a Trump Ass-Kissing Sycophant by personally blocking the resolution from receiving a vote.


I am of the firm belief that Mitch will go down in history as the most corrupt and worst leader of the U.S. Senate. His actions over the years are deplorable in that he has cheerfully abided by the instructions and orders he receives from The Great Leader no matter how destructive to the American fabric they are.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 2
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 4
  3. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner = 1
  4. Liar Award Winner = 2
  5. MoronAward Winner = 1
  6. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 6
  7. Screwball Award Winner = 1
  8. Is it fair to raise the income tax on Millionaires? – Art. 219 – Dawg Opinions



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