► Mike Huckabee : Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print E-mail

Mike Huckabee : Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Mikey. In the past, she has been the recipient of thirty-eight (38) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent appearance on the Sean Hannity Comedy Show, Mikey decided to further prove his undying loyalty for Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


After donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Mikey spewed forth the following red meat to be digested by Hannity’s low I.Q. followers by attacking the anonymous author of a New York Times editorial stating that The Great Leader was a total Loon.


  • “At the highest levels of the FBI and the Department of Justice, there was an intentional effort to really stage what is no less than a coup d'etat against the elected president, and they were using taxpayer dollars to do it -- and these are people with government jobs, and they're supposed to be upholding the law, and we ought to see a bunch of people frog marched across federal property, under arrest for what they have done.”
  • “It is just unbelievable that this level of corruption exists among this many people at the top.”

Hopefully, one or more of The Great Leader’s took appropriate steps to reimburse Mikey for the costs he incurred for repeated purchases of tubes of Industrial Strength Chapstick.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 7
  2. Trump Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1
  3. Bigot Award Winner = 3
  4. Bullshit Award Winner = 6
  5. Dumbo Award Winner = 1
  6. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  7. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner = 1
  8. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  9. Liar Award Winner = 1
  10. MoronAward Winner = 3
  11. Lunatic Award Winner = 3
  12. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 4
  13. Screwball Award Winner = 3
  14. Whiny Crybaby Award Winner: Art. 23 Misc. Awards
  15. Obama pretends he’s a Christian: Art. 138 Bigot Awards
  16. Will Hillary use massive Voter Fraud to Win? – Art. 178 Bullshit Awards

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