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Rush Limbaugh sez Mueller investigation is silent coup to oust Trump


This isn’t the first Award presented to Rush. In the past, he has been the recipient of thirty-one (31) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of six (6) opinion pieces. Those awards and opinion pieces are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (early December 2017) episode of his daily comedy radio show, Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh decided to further prove his loyalty to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump by attacking Special Counsel Robert Mueller.


After donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Rush made the following statements to his intellectually deprived followers.

  • “The Russian collusion angle -- There isn't any collusion, there isn't any evidence, and yet this investigation is ongoing.”
  • “And it turns out that the investigation is attempting to criminalize a presidential transition.”
  • “Now, what is happening here, in my humble opinion, and I am not alone in this, and I am not saying this for the first time, I think there is -- and has been, ever since Trump was elected -- a silent coup to get him out of office, ultimately.”
  • “And before that is realized they want to totally discredit Trump.”
  • “They cannot stand that an outsider has come in and become the most powerful man in the free world. They literally can't stand it.”
  • “The taste in their mouths is rancid and they've got to get rid of it.”
  • “This is such an affront to them, intellectually, personally, and so forth. Trump has to go.”

To suggest that the Democrats are intent on putting forth sham claims of misconduct by The Great Leader to “totally discredit” him doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. The truth is that The Great Leader has done everything in his power since taking office to “totally discredit” himself, his family members and the Compliant Toadies he has surrounded himself with, including The Doper.  

  1. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 3
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  3. Delusional Comedian Award Winner: Art. 166 Lunatic Awards
  4. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  5. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 2
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 2
  7. MoronAward Winner = 3
  8. Misogynist Award Winner = 3
  9. Narcissist Award Winner = 2
  10. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  11. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 3
  12. Pervert Award Winner = 1
  13. Rush Limbaugh sez pardon everyone and Mueller investigation ends: Art. 92 Ass-Kisser Awards
  14. Hillary’s alleged wig: Decisive issue re: 2016 election: Art. 223 Bullshit Awards
  15. Rush Limbaugh sez Trump justified in firing Special Counsel Mueller: Art. 208 Lunatic Awards
  16. Robots better because they don’t take time off for “menstrual cycles” – Art. 22 Misogynist Awards
  17. Rush Limbaugh sez he’s distracted by Fox girls with skirts up the thigh perv: Art. 10 Pervert Awards
  18. Glen Beck sez his “hero” is Rush Limbaugh – Art. 111 Dawg Opinions
  19. Conservative Talk Show Hosts: Super American Patriots (SAPS) – Art. 133Dawg Opinions 
  20. Rush croons “Mitt the Magic Mormon” – Art. 193 Dawg Opinions
  21. Rush Limbaugh blames Robin Williams’ suicide on leftist political views – Art. 194 Dawg Opinions 
  22. Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh: American Hero – Art.195 Dawg Opinions
  23. Rush Limbaugh: bigoted buffoon, certified idiot – Art.196 Dawg Opinions

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