► Rep. Pete Olson says, If Hillary wins, We’ll be surrendering to ISIS within a year Print E-mail

Rep. Pete Olson says, If Hillary wins, We’ll be surrendering to ISIS within a year 


During a recent (mid-September 2016) appearance on The Sam Malone Comedy Show, U.S. Rep. Pete Olson of Texas decided to once again go on the attack against Hillary Clinton. In this instance, Pete first donned a pair of Industrial Strength Knee Pads so that he could properly genuflect and show proper respect for Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


Pete then told Sam Malone’s low I.Q. followers:

  • “People are getting his message about less government, lower taxes, strong defense.”
  • “I mean, the defense thing’s huge.”
  • “I mean, if Mrs. Clinton becomes our president, we’ll be surrendering to ISIS within a year.”
  • “Hey, Israel, you’ve gone bye-bye.”
  • “Palestine, you’ve got your nation.”
  • “Hey North Korea, go crazy.”

It goes without saying that Pete’s statements are total fabrications. This is proven true given The Don’s affection for Vladimir Putin and his announced willingness to sit down and talk with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un.


Hopefully, The Don reimbursed Pete for the costs he incurred in purchasing an Industrial Size Tube of ChapStick.


And lastly, it should be noted that Pete is yet another loser lawyer that learned early on after graduating from law school just how difficult it would be to earn a dishonest living practicing law. Therefore, Pete opted to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


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