► Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): Today’s: Half-Wit Liar” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): Today’s: Half-Wit Liar” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Mo. In the past, he has been the recipient of six (6) Awards. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed category.


FYI: Several anonymous sources indicated to me that Mo’s Mom and Dad named him Mo after Moe Howard of the Three Stooges.


During an interview on the Fox News Comedy Network, Mo made several false claims about the November 2020 presidential election.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Stinky Ass Spray” on his oversized derriere for the ultimate protection of those in the immediate area, Mo made the following false and hyperbolic (BS) comments, all of which was meant to be additional red meat to be digested by his and The Great Leaders low I.Q. followers and insurrectionists.


“Joe Biden gained roughly 1,032,000 votes from illegal alien voting."


Of course, Mo never provided any evidence that over 1 million illegal aliens voted in the presidential election, which is always the case when dealing with Congenital Liars like Mo and those of his ilk.


To be fair to Mo, maybe he was referring to the illegal aliens that are alleged to be hunkered down somewhere in the Roswell, New Mexico area. I mean after all, how many of them could have actually have meandered around the country to cast votes in favor of Joe Biden.


Unbelievably, this loser has announced that he will seek to elected as U.S. Senator for Alabama. Of course, he’d be out of luck if it were shown that he was a pedophile, however, being a dyed-in-the-wool bigot is considered a plus when seeking a statewide election victory in the state of Alabama.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 3

Lunatic Award Winner = 1

Rodney Dangerfield Award = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 1


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