► Attorney Jim Bopp of Terre Haute, IN; Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print E-mail

► Attorney Jim Bopp of Terre Haute, IN; Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner


Unfortunately, the State of Indiana presented Jim Bopp with a law license in 1973 after he graduated from the University of Florida School of Law.  


Jimmy is another right-wing lunatic who is of the firm belief that he has a constitutional right to dictate a woman’s choice to have an abortion even if the woman/girl was raped. Jimmy also believes that if a woman/girl is raped by her Uncle Jeb she will be denied the right to have an abortion.


Even though Jimmy resides in Indiana, he actually believes that he and those of his ilk (FYI Jimmy: ILK is not defined as a Female ELK) have the right to tell women in the other forty-nine (49) states that they will not be permitted to control their own bodies because they will also be denied the right to an abortion even when they are the victims of rape or incest.


After learning that a 10-year-old rape victim from Ohio got an abortion in Indiana because his like-minded buffoons in Ohio made it illegal for the girl to get an abortion, Jimmy mouthed the following obscene comments

  • “She should have had the baby.”
  • “We [fellow loons] would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having the child."

This girl was raped when she was nine (9) years old and despite this fact, Jimmy shamelessly claims she would understand the benefits of why she was forced to have the baby.


What benefit is this Certifiable Nutcase referencing? Even though her life was ruined by her rapist, Jimmy the Loon demands that she be forced to raise and financially support her rapist’s child. What a Guy!!


I wonder how Jimmy would have reacted if some Pedophile had raped one of his three daughters when they were nine years old. Think he would have forced them to have the rapist’s child?


And lastly,in Jimmy’s case, I believe the first two lines of Gene Vincent’s 1956 hit song “Be-Bop-A-Lula” as adapted below are more than apropos.

  • Well, be-bop-a-lula, you’re having his baby
  • Be-bop-a-lula, I don't mean maybe

As we speak (ca. July 2022), Jimmy the Humanitarian practices his so-called brand of law with The Bopp Law Firm at 1 South Sixth Street in Terre Haute, Indiana.


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