► U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (TX); Today’s “Dimwitted Loser” Award Winner Print E-mail

U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (TX); Today’s “Dimwitted Loser” Award Winner


Unfortunately, the State of Texas provided Roy with a law license in 2003 after he graduated from the University of Texas School of Law.


FYI :Chip is yet another in a long list of loser attorneys that decided to go into politics after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated in 2003 from University of Texas School of Law. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.


On January 22, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing the federal government to remove barbed wire that was illegally place in the Rio Grande River pursuant to an order of Texas’ demented Governor,


Unhappy with the ruling of the Supreme Court, Roy the Dimwit laughingly claimed that the Court ignored the truth and that Texas leaders have the duty to defend their people. Put simply, Roy is advocating for the State of Texas to thumb its nose at the Court’s ruling.


Roylaughingly claimed that the Supreme Court’s ruling was “unconscionable). The Dimwit then went on to say the following.

  • “They have a duty under the Constitution … and every other norm of leadership of any sovereign state, to protect your citizens, period, full stop.”
  • “There is no exception to that.” 
  • “And if the Supreme Court wants to ignore that truth, which a slim majority did, Texas still had the duty, Texas leaders still have the duty, to defend their people.”

Isn’t that just special? So, Roy believes the State of Texas can give the Supreme Court the “middle finger” and has the duty to defend their people (Texans), then in the event another World War breaks out, then Texas can defend itself without any intervention from the U.S. Military.


And lastly, it appears that when Roy attended the University of Texas School Of Law it did not offer classes in constitutional law and the duty of everyone to comply with the rulings of the Supreme Court.



As we speak (ca. January 2024), Roy continues to provide questionable services to his constituents in and around Austin and San Antonio.


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