► Mitt Romney: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print E-mail

Mitt Romney: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Mitt Romney
Today’s “Moron” Award Winner
In addition to being a celebrated “flip-flopper,” dissembler of the truth, and an aspiring standup comedian, Mitt is also certified Moron.
As we all know, Mitt is the author of Massachusetts’ Romneycare and the healthcare mandate. In an effort to distance himself from Romneycare and paint Obamacare as an abomination (pun intended), Mitt recently said that on the first day of his Presidency he would repeal Obamacare.
Apparently, Mitt the Moron skipped civics classes in high school. He must have also passed on attending constitutional law courses at Harvard Law School. Most everyone with a high school education knows that it is the U.S. Congress, the House and Senate that passes laws (legislation) and not the President. FYI: Mitt the President can opt to veto legislation or sign it into law.
If elected, the only way the Moron could repeal Obamacare on the first day of his presidency would be if the House and the Senate voted to repeal it before he was sworn into office. Of course this would never happen since the Senate is controlled by Democrats.
Unfortunately, it is quite apparent that Mitt the Moron will say just about anything to dupe the voters into electing him as their next president.
Congrats Mitt; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing triumph as host of America’s Best Comedy Series for 2011; you are far too humble.

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