► AG Bill Barr: Today’s “Idiotic Liar” Award Winner Print E-mail

AG Bill Barr: Today’s “Idiotic Liar” Award Winner


It is a well known and documented fact that Billy Baby is not in any way interested in complying with his oath of office to represent the best interests of the United States in his position as the U.S. Attorney General. In fact, is only loyalty is to The Great Leader Donald “Trumporleone” Trump.


In this instance, Billy Baby was forced to testify before the House Judiciary Committee about his actions in acting as one of The Great Leader’s most reliable Sycophants.


To further prove his undying loyalty to The Great Leader and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for everyone else’s protection, gave the following laughable testimony to be digested as red meat by The Great Leader’s intellectually infirm followers.

  • “I think the left has essentially withdrawn from this model, and really represents a Rousseauian revolutionary party that believes in tearing down the system.” he said. 
  • “They’re interested in complete political victory, they’re not interested in compromise, they’re not interested in dialectic [persuasive] exchange of views.”
  • “The left believes in tearing down the system.”
  • “The Democrats’ push for victory is their substitute for a religion."

Spewing forth such lies in order to prove his allegiance to The Great Leader will likely mean that Billy Baby is going to be a candidate for double knee replacement surgery after the defeat of his Master in November 2020.


And lastly, if it was even possible for Billy Baby to speak the truth rather than spew for the lies set forth above, he would have made the following statements.

  • “I think the right has essentially withdrawn from this model, and really represents a Stalinesque revolutionary party that believes in tearing down the system.”   
  • “The right is no interested in complete political victory, they’re not interested in any compromise, they’re not interested in any exchange of views.”
  • “The right believes in tearing down the system.”
  • “The Republicans’ lust for victory is their substitute for sex."

Hopefully, one of The Great Leader’s reliable Sycophantic Ass-Kissers has taken appropriate steps to reimburse Billy Baby for the costs he incurred in purchase a bottle of Industrial Strength “Booty Fresh.”



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