► Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: (CA) Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA): Today’s “Moron” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA)

Today’s Moron Award Winner



This isn’t the first Award presented to Dana. In the past, he has been the recipient of four (4) Awards in various categories and the subject of seventeen (17) awards and the subject of one (1) piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Dana has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past thirty-five years (1981 to 2016). Apparently, the local Walmart stores in the greater Orange County area refused to hire Dana as a greeter.


During a recent (ca. Jan 2017) interview with the Breitbart News Comedy Radio, resident comedian Raheem Kassam, discussed the issue of Vladimir Putin and Donald “Trumporleone” Trump’s, nomination of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State.


After donning a pair of official Trumpian ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Dana decided to show due respect to The Don by defending his ongoing relationship Vladimir Putin.


Dana said that "warmongers" like Sen. Marco Rubio are setting the wrong tone by calling Russian President Vladimir Putin a "war criminal." (Andrew Kaczynski, CNN) Dana then told Breitbart’s intellectually poverty-stricken followers:

  • "We have these people [Rubio] claiming that Mr. Putin is war criminal, alright."
  • "He's not the only one doing this."
  • "But it seems to me like what we've got are warmongers claiming other people are war criminals.”
  • “This is the wrong kind of tone.”
  • “That type of rhetoric is leading us to a point where we will be in conflict and the Russians will think that we are out to get them."

Apparently, Dana does not consider any of the following to be war crimes and/or the conduct of a Degenerate Dictator.

  • Crimes against humanity: mass killing of Syrian civilians
  • Willful killing: Killing one or more persons protected under one or more of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, such conduct taking place in the context of an international armed conflict
  • Ordering arrest and imprisonment of journalists
  • Ordering the killing of his political opponents

Seemingly, Dana the Moron has no qualms regarding The Don’s ongoing affair with Vladimir.


And lastly, Dana’s conduct clearly confirms that he is a practicing Don Groupie.


Congrats Dana; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Morons”; you are far too humble.

  1. Bigot Award = 1
  2. Lunatic Award = 1
  3. MoronAward Winner = 1
  4. Screwball Award Winner = 1

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