► Radio Host Dave Buehner: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner Print E-mail

Radio Host Dave Buehner: Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Radio Host David Buehner
Today’s “Lunatic” Award Winner
Dave the Loon co-hosts a Non-Christian Comedy talk show along with fellow Loon Kevin Swanson.
During a recent airing of his comedy talk show, Dave decided to provide a little “red meat” to the buffoons (my apologies to buffoons) that actually tune into listen to his BS.
The loony fare for the August 19, 2013 comedy talk show was an attack on the Boy Scouts of America for voting to allow gay scouts to join.
The garbage emanating from Dave’s foul mouth is as follows:
“Its just a matter of time until they [Boy Scouts of America] they invite homosexuals, active homosexuals, to be leaders of the troops and pretty soon you’re going to have the sodomy merit badge. Christians are feeling like rats.”
This Certified Lunatic actually has the audacity to claim he’s a Christian. It would be apropos if we could turn the clock back and feed this Faux Christian to the lions.
It is difficult to imagine that anyone other than those with an I.Q. just a tad higher than the speed limit in a school zone would actually tune in to listen to this Certified Lunatic.
Congrats Dave; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Accomplished “Lunatics”; you are far too humble.

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