► Rush Limbaugh: Today’s “Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rush Limbaugh: Today’s “Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Rush Limbaugh
Today’s “Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller” Award Winner
This isn’t the first Award presented to Rush. In the past, he has been the recipient of nineteen (19) Awards in various categories and the subject of six (6) opinion pieces. Those awards and opinion pieces are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.
FYI: Joseph Goebbels was the quintessential truth-teller during his tenure as chief purveyor of propaganda for the Third Reich prior to and during World War II.
During a recent (01/06/13) airing of the Rush Limbaugh Comedy Show, Rush decided to tell some additional lies about Global Warming to assuage (satisfy) the uninformed and/or low I.Q. listeners who tune in and actually believe the BS he spews forth on a daily basis.
The vast majority of the country had just undergone record low temperatures. Meteorologists attributed the freeze to a phenomenon called the “Polar Vortex.” On his comedy show, Rush attacked the “Polar Vortex” claim as a “hoax.” He also accused the media of making up the “polar vortex” in order to propel a leftist agenda.
A day after Rush spewed forth his lie, Al Roker, a weatherman for the Today Show, proved Rush was a liar when he displayed an old college metrological textbook published in 1959 that contained the term “polar vortex” along with an explanation.
Al then explained on the Today Show that “a lot of folks” have been saying there’s no such thing as a “polar vortex” and that it’s “some left-wing media conspiracy. Roker went on to say to all the Global Warming haters that “polar vortex” is real, and anyone who doesn’t believe that can “stuff it.”
Of course Rush doesn’t give a damn if something he says is true or not. His only purpose in running his foul mouth is to financially enrich himself.
I’ve got a feeling that if Joseph Goebbels were alive today that he might consider suing me for defamation for comparing him to Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh.
Congrats Rush; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Truth-Tellers”; you are far too humble.
  1. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 3
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  3. Delusional Comedian Award Winner = 1 (See Lunatic Award Winners)
  4. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  5. Joseph Goebbels Truth-Teller Award Winner = 1
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  7. Moron Award Winner = 2
  8. Narcissist Award Winner = 2
  9. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  10. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  11. Pervert Award Winner = 1
  12. Rush croons “Mitt the Magic Mormon” – Art. 99 Dawg Opinions
  13. Conservative Talk Show Hosts – Super American Patriots (SAPS) – Art. 38 Dawg Opinions 
  14. Glen Beck sez his “hero” is Rush Limbaugh – Art. 16 Dawg Opinions
  15. Rush Limbaugh croons “Mitt the Magic Mormon” – Art.99 – Dawg Opinions
  16. Rush “The Doper” Limbaugh – Art.100 – Dawg Opinions
  17. Is Rush Limbaugh a bigoted buffoon and idiot? Damn Betcha! – Art.101 – Dawg Opinions

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