► Sean Hannity - Today’s Joseph Goebbels Truth-teller Award Winner Print E-mail

Sean Hannity - Today’s Joseph Goebbels Truth-teller Award Winner

FYI: Joseph Goebbels was the quintessential truth-teller during his tenure as the chief purveyor of propaganda for the Third Reich prior to and during World War II.
Because Joseph Goebbels was well-respected in the journalism arena for never skewing the facts; never being biased and more importantly always telling the current and future winners of the “Josef Goebbels Truth-Teller Award” should rightfully be proud to receive this distinguished honor.
Remember one thing folks, so-called unbiased journalistic dispensers of the truth like Walter Cronkite couldn’t hold a candle to the integrity and adherence to the truth as spewed forth by Josef Goebbels.
Over the past several months, Sean Hannity has consistently and of course truthfully opined that American has the absolutely best health system in the world.
And how do we know that Sean Hannity is again spewing forth the absolute truth because he’s never been known to do otherwise, right?
As proof positive that Sean Hannity is right when he sez the good ol’ U S of A has the best healthcare system in the world, I offer you the following facts and figures that clearly support Sean’s comments as reported Mimi Hall and John Frit in the Sept. 23 edition of USA Today. (http://tinyurl.com/msjohh)
  • Life expectancy at birth: USA 78.1% vs. Sweden 81.7% + France 80% + England 81.7%
  • Infant mortality per 1000: USA 6.3 vs. Sweden 2.8 + France 3.3 + Spain 4.2
  • Uninsured population: USA 15.1% vs. France 0.1% + Spain 1.7% + Germany 0.2% + Netherlands 1.4%
Then we have the percentage of health care expenses compared to gross domestic product (ca. 2007), which is as follows:
  • USA 16% vs. England 8.4% + Spain 8.5% + Italy & Australia 8.7% + Sweden 9.1%
Goshes and Gollies and Gee Whillikers; the above figures clearly prove that Sean Hannity has been absolutely truthful in claiming that the USA has the finest healthcare system in the World.
Now we know courtesy of Sean Hannity that America’s superior healthcare system costs us twice as much as it does in England, Spain, Italy and Australia, which is only right, right?
In addition, Sean Hannity truth-telling has told us that America’s exceptional healthcare system also provides us with a lower life expectancy at birth and a higher infant mortality rate than Sweden and France. Is that like cool or what?
And lastly, those left-wing zealots (aka, America/God haters like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann and those of their ilk (for you morons, ilk is not a male Elk) that unmercifully and unjustly call Sean Hannity a liar and moron, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Deep down, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann only wish they had the ability to consistently tell the truth like Sean Hannity does, right?

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