► Ohio School Board Pres. Debe Terhar; Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner Print E-mail

Ohio School Board President Debe Terhar; Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Ohio School Board Pres. Debe Terhar
Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner
Debe Terhar was elected to the Ohio state Board of Education in November 2011. Luckily for Ohioans, her term ends in December 2014.
Debe is a right-wing, ultra conservative Republican. In fact, she’s a member of the Northwest and Southwest of Hamilton County (Cincinnati) and the Lebanon Tea Party in Warren County.
Debe is proud to pronounce that she is a founding member of the American Spirit Education Alliance, which is yet another right wing outfit hell-bent on turning the public education system into a for-profit business.
It goes without saying that Debe was extremely upset when Obama won the presidency in 2008 and did so by carrying the greater Cincinnati area of Hamilton County. However, when Obama won again in 2012, it was more than Debe the Bigot could tolerate.
Debe was especially upset about Obama’s comments in regards to gun control after the deplorable killing of 20 children in Sandy Point, Connecticut. In response to Obama’s call for tougher gun laws, Debe the Bigot posted a photo of Hitler on her Facebook page along with this quote: “Never forget what this tyrant said, ‘To conquer a nation first disarm its citizens’ — Adolph Hitler.”
After Debe’s bigoted posting became public, she had the chutzpah to actually claim that it had nothing to do with comparing Obama to Hitler. Debe’s denial doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test. Of course she was comparing Obama to Hitler, which is exactly what many of her compatriots in the Tea Party have been doing since Obama was elected in 2008.
I have much more respect for folks who are willing to admit that they are die-in-the-wool bigots then for cowards like Debe Terhar. During a recent interview (2/11/13) with reporter Alan Johnson of the Columbus Dispatch, Debe defended her conduct by saying, “I sincerely apologize for and truly regret my hasty action. It was never my desire or my intention to offend anyone at any time.”
Obviously, Debe had her fingers crossed when she claimed she didn’t “intend to offend anyone at any time.” In addition to being a Certified Bigot, Debe is also a congenital liar. To compare someone with Hitler and then actually assert that you didn’t intent to offend anyone is pure BS.
Congrats Debe; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Ohio’s most disrespected Bigots; you are far too humble.

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