► Ann Coulter says, Trump Romney ticket keeps Foreigners from outvoting White Americans Print E-mail

Ann Coulter says, Trump Romney ticket keeps Foreigners from outvoting White Americans 


During a recent (early August 2015) appearance on Eric Metaxas’ comedy radio show, Ann Coulter went on another rant to prove that she’s one of America’s Premier Bigots.


Annie told Metaxas’s intellectually feeble listeners that “Americans [honkies] are being outvoted now by millions of foreigners.” (Mikayla Bean) Annie went on to state:

  • Americans are “being outvoted by the millions upon millions of foreigners Democrats have brought in to block vote for the Democrats.”
  • The Democrats well knew that they could not “get white Americans to vote for them,” so they declared, “Okay, screw it Americans.”

The Bigot went on to assert that immigrants are responsible for the rise of ISIS, because without them, “Obama never would have been elected.”


Annie laughingly claimed that immigration was responsible for Obamacare because Al Franken was elected to the Senate from Minnesota in 2008 as a result of the votes of “100,000 Somalis.”


According to various demographic sources, the population of Somalis in 2008 was about 25,000, of which about 33% were under the age of 18. Therefore, for Annie’s bigoted comments about the 2008 senatorial election to be true, each of the 17,000 that were age eligible to vote would have had to voted six (6) times.


When comedian Metaxas asked Annie who could solve the problem [foreigners) in the White House, she said:

  • “I’m thinking Trump – Romney.”
  • “That’s my ticket right now.”

Only a moronic bigot would even assert that a 2016 GOP presidential ticket of Mit Romney and The Donald would succeed in winning the White House. The chance of success with this duet winning is about the same if Micke Huckabee and Sen. Ted Cruz were the nominees. 


For additional pieces on Annie go to the articles categorized below.


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Potty Mouth Award Winner = 2

GOP must focus on White (Honkie) Vote for 2016: Bigot Award 30

Undocumented Immigrants more Threatening than ISIS: Bigot Awards 32

Idiots voting for Libertarians harm GOP: Lunatic Awards 45

GOP needs to drive up the White Vote: Art. 38 Screwball Awards

Women should not have the right to Vote: Art. 39 Screwball Awards

Ann “The Man” Coulter claims water-boarding is not a war crime: Dawg Opinions 41

Ann “The Man” Coulter’s racism expertise: Dawg Opinions 42

Ann Coulter – American Heroine Art.43: Dawg Opinions 43

Is Ann Coulter a dirty, lo-down liar in commenting on Obamacare?: Dawg Opinions 44

Ann Coulter comments on Liberals and assorted Hedonists: Dawg Opinions 45

GOP releases future list of “White is Right” nominees for Supreme Court: Dawg Opinions 75

Did Sean Hannity have a sexual tryst with Ann Coulter?: Dawg Opinions 84

Republican Family Values? – Art.146Dawg Opinions

Who will President Mitt Romney nominate to the US Supreme Court?: Dawg Opinions 179


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