► Texas’ 2011 Austin Household Expense Award Winner is Dallas Sen. Wendy Davis Print E-mail

Texas’ 2011 Austin Household Expense Award Winner is Dallas Sen. Wendy Davis

It is with great pride that we announce that State Senator Wendy Davis of Dallas as the 2011 Austin Household Expense Winner.
State legislators are allowed to use campaign funds to pay for reasonable living costs in Austin during legislative sessions. Wendy set the record for all Texas legislators regardless of party affiliation in hosing her contributors for “Livin’ Large’ in Austin.
Wendy’s campaign expenditures are as follows:
  • $27,043 – Ashton Rental at 100 Colorado Street
  • $12,636 – Gables Rental in Austin
  • $602 – City of Austin Utilities
  • $3,051 – Time Warner Cable -
  • $43,332 – Total Expenses = $3,611 monthly average
There were 170 days of legislative sessions in 2011 meaning that the daily costs to Wendy’s contributors were $254.89.
Wendy received nearly $11,000 in per diem payments from the state to pay for living costs she incurred in Austin; however, she never reimbursed her campaign for the costs it paid on her befall.
Congratulations Wendy as the winner of this prestigious award. And we’re sure you’ll be in the running for the award in 2012. Keep up the good work; we’re all proud of the manner in which you continue to mistreat your contributors.



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