► Trump Budget Nominee Rep. Mulvaney; admitted Tax Cheat Print E-mail

Trump Budget Nominee Rep. Mulvaney; admitted Tax Cheat


In late December 2016, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump nominated Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) as his choice for White House budget director.


First and foremost, it should be noted that Mick is another loser lawyer that decided to go into political punditry after graduating from Mercer University Law School. Erick was motivated to so act after he learned just how difficult it was going to be to earn a dishonest living practicing law.


In a questionnaire provided to the Senate Budget Committee, Mick stated:

  • “I have come to learn during the confirmation review process that I failed to pay FICA and federal and state unemployment taxes on a household employee for the years 2000-2004.”

So, we’re supposed to believe that over a 15-tear-period that Mick was unaware that he was a Serial Tax Scofflaw. Mick’s obviously false assertion doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.  This is like Mick claiming that he was unaware that his college girlfriend at Georgetown was pregnant even though he was still dating her in the eighth month of her pregnancy.


Mick’s predicament is like former Senator Tom Daschle’s, who was forced to withdraw his nomination as Obama’s choice to lead the Health and Human Services Department. During Daschle’s confirmation process, it was revealed that he paid $140,000 in back taxes related to a car and driver provided to him by a former employer, and to some consulting income.


At the time of Daschle’s confirmation, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) said he would not support Daschle’s nomination, saying his tax issue “a little too much to swallow.” In the case of Mick’s nomination and tac problems, Sen. Cornyn has invoked his 5th Amendment right to “remain silent.”


John Czwartacki, a mouthpiece for The Don’s transition team, said:

  • “Nobody is more qualified and more prepared to rein in Washington spending and fight for taxpayers than Mick Mulvaney.”
  • “Congressman Mulvaney raised the issue surrounding the care of his premature triplets immediately upon being tapped for this position, and has taken the appropriate follow-up measures.”
  • “The administration fully stands behind Representative Mulvaney.”

Two of President Bill Clinton’s potential attorney general nominees, Zoe E. Baird and Kimba Wood lost their opportunities to hold that office when their nominations were pulled after revelations that they had not paid “nanny taxes.”


To be fair to Mick, The Don, and the GOP, Baird and Wood were women and Mick’s one of the good ol’ boys. Need I say more?


The Don, the GOP, Sen. Cornyn and those of their ilk are a total embarrassment to all well-intentioned Hypocrites running amuck in the Halls of Congress.


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