► Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners – 2012 Print E-mail
Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners – 2012
The number of Certified Lunatics serving in the U.S. Congress far surpasses the Top Ten list set forth below in alphabetical order.
As you can imagine, the competition was quite intense. I’m sure those who are not listed will feel slighted; however, they can take comfort in knowing that they will be in the running for the 2013 Lunatic Award.
  1. Rep. Michelle Bachman of Minnesota
  2. Rep. Joe Barton of Texas
  3. Rep. Paul Braun of Georgia
  4. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas
  5. Rep. Louis Gohmert of Texas
  6. Rep. Steven King of Iowa
  7. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah
  8. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky
  9. Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama
  10. Rep. Alan West of Florida
  11. Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina
Congratulations Boys and Girls for being named as a member of this prestigious group of Certified Lunatics.

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