► State Rep. Andre Jacque (R-WI): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print E-mail

State Rep. Andre Jacque (R-WI): Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
State Rep. Andre Jacque (R-WI)
Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner
In November 2010, Andre succeeded in duping the voters into electing him as a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly.
Andre is yet another Lunatic that actually believes he has the absolute right to dictate to women in Wisconsin that they will be denied the right to choose.
After his fellow Morons in the legislature passed a law requiring women to get ultrasounds before having abortions, Andre decided to make a renewed push for passage of a so-called “personhood” amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution.
Screwy Andre’s legislation would add language to the Wisconsin Constitution that says: ”As applied to the right to life, the terms ‘people’ and ‘person’ shall apply to every human being at any state of development.
The Loons legislation would also remove the word “born” from the phrase “all people are born free and independent” in the constitution.
This asinine legislation means that an undeveloped fetus that is merely 24-hours old would be considered a person and citizen of Wisconsin. However, undocumented immigrants and assorted minorities are in many instances not considered real citizens by the majority of the nutcases that support Personhood legislation like Andre the Moron.
Maybe Andre should propose legislation that would say, “As applied to the right to life, the terms “intelligent” and “person” shall not apply to any Lunatics, Morons or Screwballs who support Andre’s asinine legislation.
Congrats Andre; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.

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