► Donald Trump: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print E-mail

Donald Trump: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


To assure his rightful place as one of America’s Premier Screwballs, Lunatics and Congenital Liars, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump went into a tirade after learning that the FBI had raided the office and home of his long time Consigliore and Attorney Michael Cohen.


The raid came about after Bob Mueller provided evidence of Cohen’s wrongdoing to Assistant U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein who then assigned the matter to the U.S. Attorney in New York City. That evidence was then presented to a U.S. Magistrate who determined there was probably cause that Cohen had committed one or more crimes and that there was a distinct possibility that he would destroy evidence of his crimes if a search warrant wasn’t issued, which it was.


In response to the lawful conduct of the FBI, the U.S. Attorney, Special Counsel Mueller and the Federal Magistrate, The Great Leader sent out the following screwy tweets.

  • “It’s a disgraceful situation.”
  • “I have this witch hunt constantly going on.”

It is a “disgrace” for laws enforcement to go after suspected criminal conduct? Apparently, The Great Leader would have found it to be a “disgraceful situation” for the FBI to have issued a search warrant against Al Capone’s accountant and used that evidence to successfully prosecute him for tax evasion.


The Great Leader’s incessant whining that its just a “witch hunt” is proven false due to all the witches (aka, Warlocks) who have pled guilty and/or been charged with multiple felonies by Special Counsel Bob Mueller.


And lastly, it shouldn’t be too long before Donald Trump, the Leader of the Coven of Witches/Warlocks is either made to perform the “perp walk” or just slinks away by resigning.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don, visit the articles below

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 1 thru 62 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 63 thru 73 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 74 thru 79 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 310 thru 325 Dawg Opinions 
  5. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 16
  6. Ass-Kisser Awards: Art. 191-192
  7. Bigot/Racist Awards: Art. 312 thru 320
  8. Bullshit Awards: Art. 366 thru 431
  9. Chicken Little Award Winner: Art. 19
  10. Dumbo Award Winner: Art. 48 thru 50
  11. Humanitarian Award Winner: Art. 64 thru 67
  12. IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner: Art. 48
  13. Liar Awards: Art. 1 thru 60 Liar Awards
  14. Lunatic Awards: Art. 335 thru 346
  15. Misc. Awards: Art. 30 thru 34
  16. Misogynist Award: Art. 35
  17. Moron Awards: Art. 236 thru 246
  18. Narcissist Awards: Art. 6 thru 15
  19. Screwball Awards: Art. 275 thru 279
  20. Rodney Dangerfield Awards: Art. 203 thru 224

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