► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print E-mail

Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


In an ongoing effort to further prove that he’s America’s Premier Screwball, Moron, Lunatic and Congenital Liar, The Great Leader decided to falsely attack Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), minority leader of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee headed by Serial Trump Ass-Kisser Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA).


Towards that end, The Great Leader spewed forth the following hyperbolic (BS) tweet.

  • “Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper!” Trump tweeted, referring to the former FBI director, a Virginia senator, a former CIA chief and former national intelligence chief.
  • "Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information.”
  • “Must be stopped!"

In response, Mr. Schiff tweeted:

  • “Mr. President, I see you’ve had a busy morning of “Executive Time.”
  • “Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or...really anything else.”

To allege that Mr. Schiff is “one of the biggest liars in DC” is special given the fact that the New York Times reported that The Great Leader knowingly lied on 2,000 occasions as of January 15, 2018.


In fact, if The Great Leader were to look squarely into a mirror hanging over a White House urinal and ask “Mirror, mirror on the Wall, who is the Biggest Liar of them All?” And the answer would be, “Well, it’s you, you Moron!”


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the articles below    

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 1 thru 61 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 62 thru 72 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 73 thru 78 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 309 thru 324 Dawg Opinions 
  5. Dawg Laments: Art. 1 thru 8
  6. Bigot/Racist Awards: Art. 310 thru 316
  7. Trump Bullshit Awards: Art. 366 thru 433
  8. Trump Liar Awards: Art. 1 thru 52 Liar Awards
  9. Lunatic Awards: Art. 326 thru 334
  10. Moron Awards: Art. 233 thru 241
  11. Narcissist Awards: Art. 6 thru 15
  12. Screwball Awards: Art. 275 thru 279
  13. Rodney Dangerfield Awards: Art. 201 thru 212

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