► Gov. Rick Perry of Texas: Today's "Screwball Comic" Award Winner Print E-mail

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas: Today's "Screwball Comic" Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Gov. Rick Perry
Today’s Screwball Comic” Award Winner
Recently, Republican Presidential candidate Gov. Rick Perry issued a policy position by asking the White House to issue a moratorium on regulations across the country.
Tricky Ricky then went on to say, I’m calling on the president of the United States to put a moratorium on regulations across this country, because his regulations, his EPA regulations, are killing jobs all across America.
As is the case with most of the aspiring standup comedians vying for the Republican nomination to run against Obama, Ricky is not only trying to prove that he’s a certified screwball but also that he’s a lousy comedian.
Maybe Ricky’s right that the EPA is a “job killer.” After all Ricky damn sure ain’t no dummy, right Buford? I’m here to tell ya that an unreliable source indicated that the hit cable show “Are you smarter than a 2nd grader” turned down Ricky’s application to be a contestant because he didn’t have the smarts.
If Obama follows Ricky’s sage advice, we could be witness to job creations as follows:
  1. 12 new jobs at Signature Sign in Cleveland to create “No swimming” and “No Fishing” signs for Lake Erie due to increased levels of mercury poisoning from dumping by chemical companies
  2. 114 new minimum wage jobs in the Gulf of Mexico to employ cleanup crews due to additional oil spills
  3. 37 new truck driver jobs in West Virginia to deliver clean water to victims of mountain top mining
Goshes and Gollies Buford, Ricky’s got it right ain’t he? Damn sure create mucho jobs once those commie-pinkos at the EPA are sent packing. Is Texas a great country or what?
Yeah folks without that stinkin EPA we’d have us lots and lots of minimum wage jobs. Thank God for patriots like Ricky.
Congrats Gov. Perry; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as an accomplished Screwball and aspiring standup Comedian; you are far too humble.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California

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