► Eric Bolling of Fox Business News: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print E-mail

Eric Bolling of Fox Business News: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


While giving his usual rant on Fox Business News on March 13, 2011, Eric again attempted to cement his status as a certified screwball.
As we all know (imbecilic viewers of Fox Business News excluded) Eric is heavily involved as a lowdown, no good Wall Street speculator in regards to the energy sector. Suffice it to say that Eric is unjustly enriched every time the cost of a gallon of gas goes up.
In responding to repeated demands by like minded screwballs (too many to mention herein) in advocating for drilling for oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the Screwball said he “would sacrifice a few caribou” in exchange for lower gas prices.
Hey Eric Baby, would you advocate sacrificing a few greedy Wall Street speculators such as yourself in order to lower gas prices? If you’re in favor of this remedy let me know so we can schedule public disembowelments of speculators at Madison Square Garden.
Not to worry Eric, I’m a firm believer in capitalism, meaning I would be happy to share all closed-circuit TV proceeds to televise this event with you. I eagerly await you response Eric!!
Congrats Eric; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as a Certified Screwball; you are far too modest.
The Dawg~
Folsom, California

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