► Fox News’ Bernie Goldberg: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print E-mail

Fox News' Bernie Goldberg: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


Bernie Goldberg is employed by the Fox News Comedy Network as a guest contributor when someone is need to spew forth a few lies on an assortment of political subjects.


During a recent (early March 2016) appearance on Bill O’Reilly’s comedy TV show, Bernie again went after liberals by making a reference to the Nazis. The following back and forth then took place between Billy and Bernie.


BERNIE:  “If you don't like Donald Trump, fine. I don't like his un-presidential demeanor but, please -- and I mean this -- please don't demean the memory of the millions of people Hitler murdered just for a cheap laugh or -- as you said in the talking points -- to stifle dissent. Don't do that.”

BILLY:  “By them calling Trump a Nazi and his supporters little Brown Shirts, they're doing the same thing that Goebbels, who was the minister of propaganda, that Adolf and all those boys did.”

BERNIE:  “Let me make two points. One, on the Brown Shirts matter, if there are any Brown Shirts in this country, it's liberals on college campuses who break up demonstrations and speeches, because they disagree with what's being said. That's what the Brown Shirts did and that's what some crazy liberals on college campuses are doing.”


So here we have someone of Jewish ancestry who likely had one or more of his relatives murdered by the Nazis calling college kids Brown Shirt Nazis. It’s a rather sad commentary on just how far the Fox News Comedy Network and its chief comic Bill O’Reilly will go for personal profit.


Congrats Bernie; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.



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