► Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver: Today’s “Screwball”Award Winner Print E-mail

Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver

Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Matty. In the past, he has been the recipient of sixteen (16) Awards in various categories. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


In a recent (mid-October 2015) letter to the Associated Press (AP), Matty, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, feigned outrage that AP had reported the following truths.

  • Threatened to sue a library for encouraging kids to read “Harry Potter”
  • Falsely claimed that 100,000 Peruvians gathered to pray for Kim Davis
  • That Liberty Counsel is designated as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Cente

Matty laughingly claimed that AP’s letter was “defamatory” because it delivered an “unmistakable message” that “Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel are liars and haters.”


In truth, Matty and Liberty Counsel are “defamation proof.”


In his letter, Matty said, “At a minimum, AP should permanently remove the link and the cache.”


Further evidence of Matty’s never-ending falsehoods is the following examples:

  • Claimed Obama would impose “in-your-face forced homosexuality” on America
  • Stated that including gays in the Boy Scouts would turn it into “a playground for pedophiles”
  • Insisted most recent research recommended ex-gay therapy
  • Asserted that gay rights would bring end of civilization
  • Warned Surpeme Court’s gay marriage ruling would trigger a civil war

To a certain extent, one shouldn’t be surprised that Matty would engage in telling outright lies and/or fabricate falsehoods. After all, he learned how to be a congenital liar when he attended the University of Kentucky Law School


In claiming to be devout Christian, Matty apparently didn’t do well while obtaining a theology degree from the Southern Missionary College because he obviously failed to review and/or agree with John 8:32 that states:


“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


Sadly, if the truth were to smack Matty across his face, he’d immediately file a federal lawsuit against the “truth.”


Congrats Matty; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.


  1. Bigot Award Winner = 1
  2. Bullshit Award Winner = 2
  3. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  4. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  5. MoronAward Winner = 2
  6. Screwball Award Winner = 2
  7. Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner – No. 170
  8. Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver: Today’s “Bigot” Award Winner – No. 171
  9. Obama exporting Abortion and Homosexuality: Bigot Award No. 174
  10. Liberty Counsel: Today’s “Fleece-Flocker” Award Winner
  11. Red States join forces to create Abortion-Free Sanctuary States Staver: Art. 208 Lunatic Award
  12. Supporters of Reproductive Choice are Modern Day Nazis: Lunatic Award No. 209
  14. Gay marriage will lead to messing around by straight folks: Moron Award No. 165

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