► Solicitor Deborah Searle of New South Wales; repeat offender Print E-mail
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Solicitor Deborah Searle of New South Wales; repeat offender


The Law Society presented Deborah Jean Searle with a law license in 1987 after she graduated from Dalhousie University School of Law.


The Queensland Civil and Administrative found Debbie guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.


Debbie’s 1st bite at the Solicitor Misfit Apple Tree

  • Engaged in unsatisfactory Professional Conduct
  • Annexed settlement correspondence to Affidavits in breach of section 117C Family Law Act 1975 and Rule 10.02 of the Family Law Rules 2004
  • Threatened to use material that may lead to criminal proceedings in settlement negotiations
  • Engaged in professional misconduct

As a direct consequence of her misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Queensland Bar punished Debbie by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand and imposed a fine of $12,000.00.


Debbie’s 2nd bite at the Solicitor Misfit Apple Tree

  • Disbursed trust money without authority to so act
  • Engaged in professional misconduct
  • Improperly borrowed funds from her clients
  • Failed to identify an investment account as a controlled money account
  • Engaged in unsatisfactory Professional Conduct

As a direct consequence of her misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Queensland Bar punished Debbie by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand and imposed a fine of $5,000.00.


As we speak (ca. June 2023), Debbie practices her brand of law with Searle & Associates at 66 Berry Street in North Sydney, New South Wales.


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