► Attorney Kwasi Afrifa of Ghana; ethical gremlin Print E-mail
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Attorney Kwasi Afrifa of Ghana; ethical gremlin


The General Legal Council (GLC) Disciplinary Committee has charged Kwasi with engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Kwasi’s client sought his assistance in retrieve $75,000 from him
  • Kwasi asked for $100,000 to secure a favorable court judgment in the case he was handling
  • Failed to protect the sanctity and integrity of the legal profession
  • Failed to disclose allegation of bribery against the Chief Justice of the Republic of Ghana to the Disciplinary Committee of the Judicial Council or any other statutory body for an inquiry
  • Failed to issue any receipts to his client for payment of legal fees
  • Failed to uphold the dignity and high standing of the legal profession
  • Did not behave with utmost honesty and frankness in dealings with his client
  • Facilitated the commission of the allegedly bribery offense by refunding to his client legal fees you were legally and duly entitled to
  • Made a reckless statement suggesting judicial manipulation by the Chief Justice, which you knew or ought to have known was false
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Kwasi by the enablers for the Attorney Misfits sitting on the Disciplinary Committee.


As we speak (ca. October 2022), Kwasi practices his so-called brand of law in Accra, Ghana.


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