► Watchdawg’s reply to Disgruntled Texans re: Houston Chronicle story of 08/21/10 Print E-mail
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Watchdawg’s reply to Disgruntled Texans re: Houston Chronicle story of 08/21/10

There have been numerous comments to the Houston Chronicle’s 8/21/10 article titled: “Watchdog claims fraud by lawmakers” written by Gary Scharrer posted on the Chronicles website, which specifically relates to this Ol’ Watchdawg from California.
Some of these comments have attacked the messenger (that’d be me) rather than deal with the underlying message, which is course the corruption being exposed.
Does it really matter if the “exposer” is a resident of California, Texas, Mississippi or New York? Obviously not!
Comments left by those with the handles such as “hawthorne,” “say GoodNite, Gracie,” “solange,” and “Frank7” find it convenient to label me as a California Loon that is ignoring alleged frauds committed by Nancy Pelosi, et al. Be assured folks, if provided with evidence that Pelosi was engaged in fraud, this Ol' Dawg wouldn't hesitate to expose it.
It should be noted that this Ol’ Dawg has been exposing corrupt public offi cials for nearly twenty-years and has and never will do so based on party affiliation. Put simply, I really don’t care if the miscreant is a Republican or Democrat. I’m a firm believer in what Clark Gavel said to Vivien Leigh in “Gone with the Wind,” which was “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
To assuage any fears held by “hawthorne” et al., and for what it’s worth, that this Ol’ Dawg has been a registered Republican since 1965.
Does it really matter if a corrupt politician is a Republican or Democrat? After all Boyz and Girls, either way they’re stealing your money. For anyone to suggest that it is less offensive if the miscreant is a Republican verses a Democrat is of course laughable at best, right? It's your hard-earned tax money regardless, right?
In all honesty, this Ol’ Dawg has been called every name in the book over the years by those he has exposed. I’m used to it and fully anticipate such unwarranted attacks. As they say, when ya have no valid explanation (message) for your unethical/illegal conduct, then ya attack the messenger.
Those who left comments with monikers such as “WitchyWoman,” vetco64,” and/or IParrott” are absolutely correct in asking why it would make any difference if this Ol’ Dawg was a resident of California verses Texas. Would any of y'all feel more comfortable if the messenger was "Mother Theresa?
And lastly, I invite any commentary, good or bad from anyone who is of the opinion that as a California resident (recent immigrant from Ohio) that this Ol’ Dawg is disqualified from reporting on corruption involving Texas politicians.

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