► Texas Legislators "livin large" with fancy cars Print E-mail
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Texas State Legislators "Livin Large" with fancy cars paid for by campaign contributors


The following so-called public servants found it acceptable to spend tens-of-thousands in campaign funds to provide themselves with luxury vehicles. Such conduct clearly demonstrates arrogance and total disdain for the best interests of the constituents they allegedly represent.
Nothing is too good for these selfish and greedy political hacks! You’ll see that their choice of a free ride is a Lexus, BMW, Jaguar, Porsche, Cadillac, Lincoln or an Infiniti. The there are others whose lease payments are equally outrageous despite the fact that they are driving Jeeps, Vans and/or other domesticated vehicles. The lease amounts they allegedly pay are astounding.
What’s next for some of these omnipotent imperialists? Will we discover in the future that one or more of them are leasing a Ferrari, Lamborghini or even a Rolls Royce Phantom? And why shouldn’t they? They deserve it right? After all, they are required to work six (6) months every two years on behalf of their constituents. It’s not there money anyway, right? One can easily lease a Rolls Phantom or Corniche for around $4500 a month.
One of these self-indulgent opportunists is State Sen. Jeffrey Wentworth from San Antonio. Jeff had the audacity to tell the San Antonio News-Express that his choice of a Lexus (at first it was an Infiniti) was because it was “a safety issue.” Yeah, sure it was Jeffrey! And Jeffrey Dahmer chose ingredients for his tasty rump roast because of his safety concerns regarding the efficacy of the USDA’s inspection and certification of the pork products available at the local Kroger’s in Milwaukee.  When I repeated Jeff’s hyperbolic (aka, BS) comments to my 14-year-old granddaughter to see how she would respond, I had to wait several minutes for her to stop laughing.
Not satisfied with this comic reply, Jeff went on to tell the San Antonio Express-news that the only reason his two sons survived accidents that totaled their cars was due to the fact that they were driving “luxury autos.” Doesn’t Daddy’s concern just tug at your heart? Like Yogi Berra was wont to say, the Lexus, I’m sorry I mean the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree if ya know what I mean.
The constituents who contributed to these fools certainly didn’t do so with the knowledge that they were going to spend their money on luxury rides. Now to be fair, contributors like Bob (the Builder) Perry, Boone Pickens and Lonnie Pilgrim, all of whom have contributed millions to these and other political hacks over the years probably don’t give a damn. And the reason is because they consider their contributions to be investments, which in truth they are.
The pompous ingrates who played fast and loose with their constituents money are listed below in regards to the total amounts they have spent. After reviewing the hacks who have luxury vehicles, we’ll then review a few who have spent inordinate sums on domestic rides.
After reading about the voracious appetite for luxury vehicles by the buffoons named below, go and view the pages dealing with Luxury Digs and Arrogant Expenditures. If you are not upset and/or angry after seeing how these so-called public servants are living high off the hog, then so be it.
  • Averitt, Kip – 22nd District Sen. – Waco – Infiniti/BMW
  • Cain, David H. – 2nd District Sen. – Dallas – Cadillac
  • Carona, John – 16th District Sen. – Dallas – Lexus
  • Christian, Walter – 9th District Rep. – Center – Lexus
  • Danburg, Debra – 13th District Rep. – Houston – Volvo
  • Driver, Joe – 113th District Rep. – Garland – Lincoln
  • Fraser, Troy – 24th District Sen. – Marble Falls – BMW
  • Hardcastle, Richard – 68th Rep. – Vernon – Lincoln
  • Hardin, Ben – 23rd District Judge – Angleton – BMW
  • Hinojosa, Juan – 20th District Sen. – McAllen – Lexus
  • Jackson, Mike – 10th District Sen. – Pasadena – Lexus
  • Kolkhorst, Lois – 13th District Rep. – Brenham – Infiniti
  • Madla, Frank – 19th District Sen. – San Antonio – Lincoln/Lexus
  • Nelson, Jane – 12th District Sen. – Grapevine – Lexus
  • Ratliff, William – Sen. – Mt. Pleasant – Cadillac
  • Shapleigh, Eliot – 29th District Sen. – El Paso – Lexus (Texas Misc. Scum1)
  • Sibley, David – 22nd District Sen. – Austin – Infiniti
  • Wentworth, Jeffrey E. 25th District Sen. – San Antonio – Infiniti/Lexus
  • West, Royce – 302nd District Rep. – Dallas – Lincoln
  • Whitmire, John – 15th District Sen. – Houston – BMW



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