► DA Amy Weirich of Memphis; lifetime porker, ethical elf Print E-mail
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DA Amy Weirich of Memphis; lifetime porker, ethical elf


The State of Tennessee presented Amy Weirich with a law license in 1990 after she graduated from the University of Memphis Law School.  


It should be noted that Amy has had her significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-five (1991 to 2016) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Memphis area was about to offer Amy a good paying job.


Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam was duped into appointing Amy as the Shelby County District Attorney in 2011. Amy didn’t get the appointment because she was the most qualified lawyer in the Memphis area.  She got it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


The Tennessee State Board of Professional Responsibility has charged Amy with engaging in the following misconduct, all of which took place while she was employed as prosecutor in Shelby County and assigned to the murder case of Noura Jackson.


In 2009, the Court of Appeals overturned Ms. Jackson’s murder conviction due to the prosecutorial misconduct of Stevie and others. For additional information on this matter go to the URL listed at the end of this article that deals with Amy’s fellow prosecutor who felt it was acceptable to wrongfully convict Ms. Weirich of murder.


Amy’s misconduct involves the manner in which she provided her closing statement to the jury during the Jackson murder trial. As was the case with her fellow abuser prosecutor Stephen Jones, it is obvious that Amy is willing to say or do anything to place another notch on her prosecutorial conviction belt.


All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Amy for her outrageous conduct by the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Tennessee Supreme Court.


If justice were truly blind, then Amy should be required to serve six-years in prisons just like Ms. Jackson did for being wrongfully convicted as a result of her misconduct.


As we speak (ca. September 2016) Amy continues to be employed as the Shelby County Prosecutor in Memphis, Tennessee.


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