► Rep. Lisa McClain of Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner Print E-mail
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Rep. Lisa McClain (MI): Today’s “Tina Fey Comic” Award Winner


Lisa succeeded in duping the voters in the areas north of Detroit into electing her as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2020.


During a recent (ca. April 2022) rant leading up to Donald Trump’s rally held in Washington Township Michigan; Lisa decided to further her standing as a Dimwitted Trump Sycophantic Ass-Kisser and Aspiring Standup Comedian in spewing forth the following bald-faced lies.

  • "While President Trump was in office, we didn't have a war and I think he made three peace treaties." 
  • "Caught Osama bin Laden and Soleimani, al-Baghdadi.”
  • “And this president is weak. And I'll tell you weakness breeds aggression. We need strength."
  • "We need somebody who will stand up for America and put America first again like President Donald J. Trump did when he was in office."

Former President Obama gave the order that led to killing of Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. The former Great Leader didn’t become president until January 20, 2017, which means Lisa’s claim that Trump was responsible is evidence that she’s a really bad liar.


It is understandable that Lisa is a Trump Sycophant given the demographics of her congressional district, which is 91% White, 2% Black, 3% Hispanic, 1% Asian, and 2% two or more races.


And lastly, it is rumored that in the event that Lisa loses the upcoming election in November 2022 that she is going to submit an application to perform her comedy bit at Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle in Royal Oak, Michigan. 


As we speak (ca. April 2022), Lisa continues to be an embarrassment to most Michiganders as she furthers her standing as a Dimwitted Li


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