► State Rep. Cindy Gamrat: Today’s “Public Official Misfit” Award Winner Print E-mail
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State Rep. Cindy Gamrat: Today’s “Public Official Misfit” Award Winner


In November 2013, Cindy duped the voters in the Holland, Michigan area into electing her as a member of the Michigan House of Representatives.


Cindy is another Certified Hypocrite who laughingly claims to be a faithful wife who abhors the idea of marriage equality. She has consistently spewed forth various rants as a dyed-in-the-wool supporter of “traditional marriage.” In fact, she’s laughingly claimed that marriage equality will be the death knell for the sanctity of traditional marriages.


While spewing forth her homophobic rants, it has been discovered that Cindy the was in fact a promiscuous girl that was cheerfully involved in an adulterous affair with fellow hypocrite, state Rep. Todd Courser despite the fact they were both married.


According to interview with former House employees and recordings between Todd and Cindy, they cheerfully used their taxpayer-funded offices to maintain and cover up their adulterous affair.


One thing we can be assured of is that Cindy’s hypocrisy includes her total disdain for acting in accordance with the mandates of the 7th and 10th commandments, which prohibits adultery and coveting a neighbors spouse respectively.


Seemingly, Cindy would be well served if she took a remedial course on the meaning of the 7th and 10th Commandments.


On her self-serving campaign website at www.cindygamrat.com, Cindy had the chutzpah to say:

  • My journey to being elected “would not have been possible without the hand of Todd, I’m sorry I mean God, the lover of Todd, I’m sorry I mean my family, and the help from all those who have supported me.”
  • “May God bless our families.”

She then signed off by saying “With Firm Reliance on Divine Providence.”


It’s amazing how these self-serving hypocrites fell comfortable in claiming God’s support in their electoral ventures.


As we speak (ca. August 2015), Cindy remains sitting as a Michigan State Representative. 


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